This competency area entails the use of digital and technological resources to foster student learning, growth and success and to improve the effectiveness of staff, faculty and institutions.
Going by the sub-areas in this competency, I am foundational to intermediate in my understanding and application of knowledge and skills with technical tools and software, data use and compliance, digital identity and citizenship and online learning environments.
I have the ability to identify current and effective digital and online tools to facilitate programming and student learning, troubleshoot basic connectivity issues, ensure ethical use of data, create virtual communities that foster engagement, maintain a positive digital identity and reputation, and employ multi-media tools for interactive learning.
The global pandemic provided opportunities for me to stretch myself digitally. My work entails guiding international students from Nigeria through the U.S college application process, students ideally stay in the program for one year. Usually, students would come into the office to study, to practice for their standardized tests, to complete applications, to attend events and training and to seek counsel from advisors. The office has not opened to students in over two years and all our programs moved entirely online. I had to identify ways register new students virtually, maintain the cohort calendar of activities, sustain engagement, provide follow-up, conduct trainings and practice tests, host events, create learning opportunities and share resources digitally. It was a bit of a challenge but in this period, my online program has stabilized. As the public health situation subsides, we have begun hybrid formats. While majority of the program happens virtually, there are opportunities for meetings, practice tests and trainings in-person. I have explored google suite; (classroom, forms, sheets, slides, meet, docs, calendar and drive), Zoom; Calendly; and Microsoft teams. These tools have been instrumental and guarantee efficiency and productivity regardless of location or device being used because saving work in a drive fosters ease of continuity as well as collaboration.
I have also come to understand the power of digital identities and the importance of being intentional with one's identity online. These identities are crucial to individual and institutional reputation
It is my belief that technology is here to stay. Embracing it will create connections with our students that will increase our effectiveness. Technology will also be instrumental in our professional development as we collaborate virtually across institutions and internationally. It has facilitated learning at many levels; conferences, fairs, training and professional learning networks. Technology is the reason I am able to do this masters program at this time, I am currently completing this degree fully online.
Professional Development
For my professional development, I will seek out opportunities to engage in more learning and collaboration to promote and upscale the use of technology for educational purposes in my organization. I will continue to find innovative ways to keep students engaged virtually with considerations for accessibility, student learning styles and preferences.
American College Personnel Association & National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. (2015). ACPA/NASPA professional competency areas for student affairs educators. Washington, DC: Authors.
American College Personnel Association & National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. (2016). ACPA/NASPA professional competencies rubrics. Washington, DC: Authors.